What is "combobox"
combobox or combo box allows selecting one option from several (similar to a listbox), however, only the selected item is displayed by default (reducing the space of the occupied on the screen). The user can select an option outside the list (from a pop-up displayed by clicking the control button) or entering a value for it.
A simple example of combobox found in Windows is the file name dialog box 'Save as'.
Despite combobox be intended primarily for single item selection, can be customized to accept multiple selections.
combobox and dropdownlist are quite similar. However, dropdownlist is a list of read-only options, not allowing the inclusion of new items. In combobox, the user can select from the list or enter a value directly in the box. Dropdownlist is sometimes also referred to as the non-enterable version of combobox.
Related Terms: Dropdownlist, Listbox.
See the Wikipedia article Combobox/Combobox.