What is "cakephp"


The Cakephp framework uses MVC (Model-Visualization-Controller) standards, but it also has additional classes and objects that aim to provide extensibility and reuse, so they can add functionality to the MVC base of their applications. It’s them:

  • Extensions of the Controller

To help with controller logic we have the Component class. If we have the same logic and want to share between controllers (applications), the component is a good output. For example, the internal Emailcomponent creates and sends emails in the background. To reuse the method we can create a component that bundles this functionality and is shared between controllers.

  • Vision Extensions

Helper is the class that helps in vision logic. Just as the component helps the controller, the helpers allow the logical presentation to be accessed and shared between views.

  • Model Extensions

For the model, we have the Behavior class that acts in the same way as the others.

Basic references