What is "azure-devops"

Azure Devops is the Microsoft Devops platform and one of the most complete Devops tools on the market. With Azure Devops you can begin integration with your application in any language or IDE and deploy to any cloud or even Onpremise servers.

Azure Devops includes the following services:

  • Azure Pipelines - Compile, test, and deploy with CI/CD with any language, platform, and cloud. Connect to Github or any other Git provider and deploy continuously.
  • Azure Boards - Deliver value to your faster users using Scrum or Kanbam to plan, monitor, and discuss work with your teams.
  • Azure Repos - Unlimited GIT repositories in the cloud or on-premises. Collaborative work using branch strategies, pull request’s and more.
  • Azure Test Plans - Exploratory testing tools and manual testing for you to deliver and ensure quality software.
  • Azure Artifacts - Create, host and share Nuget, NPM, Maven packs with your team and add artifacts to your CI/CD pipelines with a single click.