What is "artificial-intelligence"

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the human-like intelligence displayed by mechanisms or software. It is also an area of research of computing dedicated to seeking methods or computational devices that possess or multiply the rational capacity of being human problem solving, thinking or, broadly speaking, being intelligent.

Strong artificial intelligence

Research in Strong Artificial Intelligence addresses the creation of a form of computer-based intelligence that can reason and solve problems; a strong form of AI is classified as self-conscious.

Weak artificial intelligence

It is the notion of how to deal with nondeterministic problems.

Practical Applications of AI Techniques

  • Automated planning and scheduling.
  • Applications of case-based reasoning.
  • Applications of Genetic Algorithms.
  • Games.
  • Autonomous control.
  • Diagnosis.
  • Logistical planning.
  • Robotics.

Implementations of Genetic Algorithms

Bibliographic References:

  • Luger, George F. Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for the Solution of Complex Problems. 4th ed. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2004.