I would like to know the behavior/differences between a Indice Unique and Unique Constraints to the Informix ?
I would like to know the behavior/differences between a Indice Unique and Unique Constraints to the Informix ?
Many may think that it makes no difference in the database, but it does! And not only for the DBA/Administrator, but also for the developers because it can influence how a code is written.
I work a lot with IBM Informix and in it I know that there are the differences below.
UPDATE tp01 SET cod = cod + 1;
in a table that the field Cod is sequential and with Infdice unico, this update would error in the first line as it would already duplicate (or even Primary key Constraint)
UPDATE tp01 SET cod = cod + 1;
, would work smoothly as it will validate the uniqueness only when finalizing the update of all lines involved.commit
. This is possible when using the command set constraints [all|<constraint>] deffered;
before the updates.Browser other questions tagged sql single-restriction informix
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