Design Patterns - DTO, POCO, MODEL


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What’s the difference between DTO, POCO, MODEL? Because I am developing a layered application, DAL, BLL and UI.

1 answer


POCO = Plain Old Class Object

POCO is derived from POJO. The term was coined by Martin Fowler. POCO (usually) follows the classical precepts of object-oriented programming such as state and behavior. For example:

classe Porta 
    // Estado
    booleano Aberta;

    // Comportamentos
    metodo Fechar() 
        Aberta = falso;

    metodo Abrir() 
        Aberta = verdadeiro;

DTO = Data Transfer Object

DTO would be a data subject to data transfer, in Portuguese. Ele seria mais a representação de um modelo de dados, portanto, contendo apenas "estados", sem comportamentos.

classe Porta 
    // Estado
    booleano Aberta;

// Não existe aqui "Abrir" ou "Fechar": aqui se manipula diretamente os valores.
minhaPorta = nova Porta();
minhaPorta.Aberta = falso;
minhaPorta.Aberta = verdadeiro;


A Model, or model, is already somewhat self-explanatory: it represents a data model of some entity about which one wishes to describe, but not only this: it also describes the relations between other entities. The more increased the Model in the matter of his technological description, the closer he gets to a DTO than of a POCO.

The frameworks usually diverge on what a Model approaches. In some cases, such as Django and Ruby on Rails, the Model approaches a POCO. In others, such as ASP.NET MVC and Hibernate, it approaches a DTO.

In any case, the Model is what least serves for a three-tier architecture (as proposed in the question) precisely because it is a design standard aimed at the operation of a framework MVC, where objects and the relationships between them have a much more technological footprint than in purely object-oriented architecture. Interestingly, 3-layered architecture comes closer to the purely object-oriented approach than MVC.

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