Jqgrid Error saving data field via Datepicker


Viewed 204 times


I have a problem that when saving a field via datepicker, the same instead of sending the value, sends the same via input, this case is only in cases where the enter button is not pressed.

$(function () {

        mtype: 'GET',
        datatype: "json",
        colNames:['Operadora', 'Nº Remessa', 'Ref. Anterior', 'Situação do Físico', 'Situação Remessa', 'Dt. Recebimento', 'Dt. Postagem', 'Qtd Guias', 'Val. Apresentado', 'COD_TS_NR', 'COD_OPERADORA'],
        colModel:[{name:'NOM_OPERADORA',                index:'NOM_OPERADORA'               , width:120, align:"left"},
                  {name:'NUM_GRD',                      index:'NUM_GRD'                     , width:100, align:"center"},
                  {name:'MES_ANO_REF_ANTERIOR',         index:'MES_ANO_REF_ANTERIOR'        , width:130, align:"center"},
                  {name:'NOME_SITUACAO_FISICO',         index:'NOME_SITUACAO_FISICO'        , width:180, align:"left"},
                  {name:'NOME_SITUACAO_REMESSA',        index:'NOME_SITUACAO_REMESSA'       , width:180, align:"left"},
                  {name:'DATA_RECEBIMENTO',             index:'DATA_RECEBIMENTO'            , width:150, align:"center", editable: true, sorttype:"date"},
                  {name:'DT_POSTAGEM',                  index:'DT_POSTAGEM'                 , width:150, align:"center", editable: true, sorttype:"date"},
                  {name:'QTD_CONTAS',                   index:'QTD_CONTAS'                  , width:100, align:"right"},
                  {name:'VAL_APRESENTADO',              index:'VAL_APRESENTADO'             , width:150, align:"right"},
                  {name:'COD_TS_NR',                    index:'COD_TS_NR'                   , hidden: true },
                  {name:'COD_OPERADORA',                index:'COD_OPERADORA'               , hidden: true }

        onSelectRow: function(id, rowid){
            if(id && id!=lastsel){
                jQuery('#grid').jqGrid('saveRow',rowid); //Tem que estar saveRow senão retorna ao valor original
        rowList: [50, 100, 150],            
        recordtext: "Vendo {0} - {1} de {2}",
        pager: jQuery('#pager'),
        cellsubmit: 'clientArray',


Error image:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Thank you.

  • could put the image here?

  • I have no reputation for it, but I posted the image in the post, follow the link http://s24.postimg.org/7zh3b4q9x/erri_Jqgrid.png

  • 1

    did not know of such restriction, I added to make it easier

  • All right, but I posted it up. Thank you.

1 answer


Well people, to perform the adjustment I changed the grid to cell editing and applied the cell settings to the function aftereditcell(), because when I was generating XML in the previous way the object was not yet finished and so it was created in input format.

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