Nfe to MG Submission in Version 3.10


Viewed 918 times


After the tips I changed the method code as well as applied the fixes in the web service changing from:

System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute("retEnviNFe", IsNullable:=False)


System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute("retEnviNFe", [Namespace]:="", IsNullable:=False)

However I receive as return an empty object. My God what is wrong?
Someone has already succeeded in sending (3.10) to MG?
Follow the modified method:

        Public Function enviaNFe_(ByVal NumeroDoLote As Integer, ByVal ListiView As ListView, ByVal Label As ToolStripStatusLabel) As Boolean
    Dim ret As Boolean = False
    Dim result() As String
    Dim xmlDoc As XmlDocument = Nothing
    Dim arquivoRetorno As String = Nothing

        'vrifica a existência do arquivo
        If File.Exists(Me.ArquivoXml) = True Then

            Me.labelMsg.Visible = True
            Me.labelMsg.Text = Space(40) & "Aguarde um instante por Favor. Enviando o arquivo...."

            'Carrega o arquivo xml para dentro do objeto xmlDoc
            xmlDoc = New XmlDocument
            'Cria um objeto XmlNode
            Dim oNode As XmlNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement

            'Seleciona o certificado digital e devolve o xml assinado
            If Me.SelecionarCertificado = True Then

                'Define o cabeçalho
                Dim NFeCabecMsg As pNfeAutorizacao3.nfeCabecMsg = New pNfeAutorizacao3.nfeCabecMsg
                With NFeCabecMsg
                    .cUF = "31"
                    .versaoDados = "3.10"
                End With

                'Dados da NFe
                Dim NFeDadosMsg As pNfeAutorizacao3.nfeDadosMsg = New pNfeAutorizacao3.nfeDadosMsg
                NFeDadosMsg.Any = New XmlNode() {xmlDoc}
                NFeDadosMsg.Any(0) = oNode

                'Envia o arquivo .xml (Consome o WS)
                Dim oWS_pNFeAutorizacao3 As pNfeAutorizacao3.NfeAutorizacao = New pNfeAutorizacao3.NfeAutorizacao
                With oWS_pNFeAutorizacao3
                    .Url = ""
                    .nfeCabecMsgValue = NFeCabecMsg
                    .Timeout = 50000
                    .SoapVersion = Web.Services.Protocols.SoapProtocolVersion.Soap12
                    result = New String() {.NfeAutorizacaoLote(NFeDadosMsg).ToString}
                End With
            End If
        End If

        '...aqui eu trataria o retorno (result)
    Catch ex As Exception
        MessageBox.Show("Erro no envio da NFe.", "Gestor .NET" & vbNewLine & ex.ToString, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
    End Try
End Function
  • Are you sure? Have you found here ( that the return is an object and not a string? @yelar

  • Yes, the return is 'System.Object()' type, but assuming that everything in . net is an object when I do ". Nfeautorizacaolote(Nfedadosmsg). Tostring" if there was any information it would not be converted to a string object? The problem is that it returns a System.Object() with no values. The return looks like this: result {Lenght=1} (0) "System.Object[]". Could you if possible post or send an email showing how to pick up this return? Sorry, I hope I’m not abusing.

  • Take this example: @yelar

2 answers


A way to pick up on string: result(0)(0).OwnerElement.OuterXml , then just convert to XML. In this case it is on the return of Consultingprotocolonfe MG.


It seems that you are only having trouble reading the value of this variable.

In my case I did so and get the return.

    Dim result As Object
    result = servidor.consultaCadastro2(cabecalho, dados)


The hardest thing was to find that the MG server was in trouble. What I find absurd.

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