How to read and write JSON locally in Cordova?


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I need a simple solution to persistently upload and update data in a mobile APP using Cordova.

I thought I’d create a JSON in the application root folder to load the data on APP startup.

Even for sure, but, how to do the reverse?

For example: the script loads JSON and plays in View > the user modifies this data in some way > the stringify() and stores the updated JSON back in the root folder. I don’t think you can do this with POST.

I saw that you can do using localStorage, but that way the data gets lost when closing the application.

1 answer


Consulting the link to Storage of the documentation we can see that there are several methods, such as:

  • localStorage
  • Websql
  • Indexeddb
  • Or use some plugin to do specific storage as the file API.

In your case how you intend to use JSON recommend the use of a plugin for file manipulation. In this case you open the file JSON from memory, works with it and at some point records it again to memory.

I myself worked on a project with file storage in memory, so I used a plugin called Cordova Simple File Management, with it the file management process becomes much easier than having to create functions to access the file API.

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