What is the best way to transfer two arrays in Javascript for variables in PHP, follow my idea below, it would work?
Javascript function
- array of expiration dates (
) in the archivecadastro_contratos.php
It is correct the creation of the array in Javascript and its attribution in the indexes within for?
function calculamensalidades(){
var valortotal = parseFloat(document.getElementById("total").value);
var valorparcela = valortotal/document.getElementById("select_parcelas").value;
var parcelas = parseFloat(document.getElementById("select_parcelas").value);
var date = new Date();
var mesvencimento = date.getMonth();
var diavencimento = date.getDate();
var datasvenc = new Array(6)
var tabela;
tabela = "<br><table border='0' width='30%' style='text-align:center'><tr><td bgcolor='#4682B4'>Parcela</td><td bgcolor='#4682B4' >Valor</td><td bgcolor='#4682B4'>Vencimento</td></tr>";
for(var a=0; a<document.getElementById("select_parcelas").value; a++)
var n_date = new Date(date.getFullYear(), eval(a+mesvencimento), diavencimento);
var diavec = date.getDate();
var mesvenc = n_date.getMonth();
var anovenc = n_date.getFullYear();
tabela = tabela + "<tr><td bgcolor='#9AC0CD'>"+(a+1)+"</td><td bgcolor='#9AC0CD'>R$ "+valorparcela.toFixed(2)+"</td><td bgcolor='#9AC0CD'>"+diavec+"/"+mesvenc+"/"+anovenc+"</td></tr>";
datasvenc[a] = diavec+"/"+mesvenc+"/"+anovenc;
function apagatabela(){
function liberar()
var total = document.getElementById("total");
var parcelas = document.getElementById("select_parcelas");
if(total.value != "")
Attracting php in the same registration file.php:
this is the correct javascript assignment for php? $dataVencimento = unserialize(base64_decode($dataVencimento));//Decode para array
<div id="painelcadastro2" align="center">
<?php if (isset($_GET['cadastra']) && $_GET['cadastra'] == 'add') {
$datacompra = implode("-", array_reverse(explode("/",$_GET['datacompra'])));
$nomeProduto = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'nomeProduto1');
$qtProduto = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'qtProduto1');
$valorProduto = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'valorProduto1');
$valorparc = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'valorparcela');
$parcelas = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'select_parcelas');
$entrada = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'entrada');
$total = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'total');
$status = "ativo";
$dataVencimento = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'datasvenc');
$dataVencimento = unserialize(base64_decode($dataVencimento));//Decode para array
$pagamento = "CREDIARIO";
mysqli_query("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0");
mysqli_query("START TRANSACTION");
$cadastracontratos = mysqli_query("INSERT INTO t_cadcontratos (Ficha, DataContrato, QuantParcelas, ValorContrato, Entrada, Saldo, DescricaoProduto, QuantProdutos, Vendedores, FormaPagamento)
VALUES ('$nrFicha', '$datacompra', '$parcelas', '$valorProduto', '$entrada', '$total', '$nomeProduto', '$qtProduto', UPPER('$_SESSION[MM_Username]'), '$pagamento')");
for($numparcelas=1; $numparcelas>$parcelas; $numparcelas++ ){
$cadastraparcelas = mysqli_query("INSERT INTO t_cadparcelas (NumContrato, NumParcela, ValorParcela, DataVencimento, Status)
VALUES ('$NumContrato', '$numparcelas', '$valorparc', '$dataVencimento[numparcelas]', '$status')");
if($cadastracontratos == '1' && $cadastraparcelas == '1') {
echo "Venda Crediário realizada com sucesso !";
echo "Erro ao realizar a venda Crediário, tente novamente !";
<form id="adicionarformProdutos" method"post" action"" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<a href="#" id="adicionarProduto">Adicionar Produto</a>
<fieldset class="fieldsetProduto">
<legend>Produto 1</legend>
<div class="produtos">
<label for="codProduto1">Código:</label><input class="codigoProduto" type="text" id="codProduto1" size="5" name="codProduto1" />
<label for="nomeProduto1">Nome:</label> <input type="text" id="nomeProduto1" name="nomeProduto1" size="9" />
<label for="qtProduto1">Qt.:</label> <input type="text" size="1" id="qtProduto1" name="qtProduto1" onblur="calcValor()" />
<label for="valorProduto1">Valor und. R$:</label> <input type="text" id="valorProduto1" name="valorProduto1" size="6" onkeypress="mascara(this,float)" />
<label>Data da Compra <input name="datacompra" type="text" id="datacompra" size="6" maxlength="10" value="<?php echo date('d/m/Y')?>" onKeyUp="javascript:somente_numero(this);" onkeypress="formatar_mascara(this,'##/##/####')"/></label>
<label>Desconto (%)<span style="display:none" id="sp_vdesconto"></span><input type="hidden" name="vdesconto" id="vdesconto" />:<input type="text" name="desconto" size="6" value="0"id="desconto" onblur="calcValor()" /></label>
<label>Entrada R$<span style="display:none" id="sp_vdentrada"></span><input type="hidden" size="6" name="vdentrada" id="vdentrada" />:<input type="text" name="entrada" size="6" value="0"id="entrada" onKeyPress="return(MascaraMoeda(this,'.',',',event))" onblur="calcValor()" /></label>
<label>Valor Total: <input type="text" name="total" value="0" size="6" id="total" onblur="liberar(); "/></label>
<label>Qt. Parcelas: </label><select onchange="calculamensalidades()" disabled="disabled" value="" id="select_parcelas" name="select_parcelas">
<div id="mensalidades"></div>
<input type="reset" onClick="apagatabela()">
<input type="hidden" name="cadastra" value="add" />
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $nrFicha;?>" name="cadastro" />
<input type="submit" name="add" id="add" value="Cadastrar" />
</div><!--fechando div painelcadastro2-->
</form><!--fechando div painelcadastro2-->
Hello Vinicius, thank you! in fact in my code the javascript function is executed when I choose the number of installments so that an interactive table is generated, but how can I insert the json request without a Ubmit in my calculator function() ?
– Rafael Assmann
Hello, in case you want to send this to the server side without database ?
– vmontanheiro
That, I want to send to a PHP variable that is on the same page, so that later include in the database the other PHP variables, I wait!
– Rafael Assmann
There I understand!!! 5 minutes please.
– vmontanheiro
In case then, I’ll put an extra function within your calculator that will do it for you.
– vmontanheiro
I think that’s it, anything we are there. It’s the tip to work with jquery, it already comes with standard ajax that makes your life a lot easier. rsrsrs
– vmontanheiro
I understood, but we don’t need the.php file because the php variable is in the same javascript function file... so I could ignore the " xmlhttp.open("POST",".php file",true);//Informs your.php file " ? Can you illustrate how I would look in my job? because in the javascript function I have a for that I need to add to each repeat the due date... Thanks!
– Rafael Assmann
Can you let me know if the creation of the array and the date assignment in its indexes is correct? Thank you very much!
– Rafael Assmann
In case you should use the post and pass the name of your own file instead of the /.php file. You say the assignments of your code?
– vmontanheiro
ok, that! in case the array creation and the assignment inside the for :)
– Rafael Assmann
Friend, I edited the above question, only in that way would it work? thanks!
– Rafael Assmann
Your code is ok yes! For nothing. Hug
– vmontanheiro
counting on the php ? part will correctly adhere to the ? Tks indexes
– Rafael Assmann
This here you do after picking up a POST request. $Due Date = unserialize(base64_decode($Due Date)); . Where is the rest of your php code that will save this data? How are you sending this to the database ?
– vmontanheiro
Okay, so I put in the question what do I do with this data and the rest and I put it in the database, is that correct? However this occurring error in $cadastraparcelas because it does not seem to locate the variable... But there has to do with what we are seeing
– Rafael Assmann