Communication with Pagseguro


Viewed 5,369 times


I need to make an application to communicate with the pagseguro.

That is he makes the purchase, I send and then I need to automatically update in the bank when you make the payment.

Until sending to the pagseguro I have a notion. My question is how to know when the customer made the payment. And also how to test this (no payments required).

With reference to Pagseguro para . Net - Integration Controls and Test Server

I was able to run it with this code:

<form target="pagseguro" method="post"
            <input type="hidden" name="email_cobranca"
                   value="[email protected]" />
            <input type="hidden" name="tipo" value="CBR" />
            <input type="hidden" name="moeda" value="BRL" />
            <input type="hidden" name="item_id" value="@Model.ID" />
            <input type="hidden" name="item_descr"
                   value="@Model.Nome" />
            <input type="hidden" name="item_quant" value="1" />
            <input type="hidden" name="item_valor" value="1.00" />
            <input type="image" name="submit"
                   alt="Pague com PagSeguro - é rápido, grátis e seguro!" />

In normal wheel test environment, however in pagseguro environment, gives error when receiving the post.

My code:

    public ActionResult Retorno(FormCollection collection)
        var teste2 = new Teste()
            Cod = "TransacaoID",
            Id = 354684,
            Status = "StatusTransacao"

        AddTeste(teste2); //utilizei para saber se chega até aqui!

        string TransacaoID = collection["TransacaoID"];
        string StatusTransacao = collection["StatusTransacao"];

        var teste = new Teste()
            Cod = TransacaoID,
            Id = 354684,
            Status = StatusTransacao


        return null;

Until Addteste(teste2), it arrives, but in Addteste(test), it is not enough.

*There is no way to give Debug because I need to upload the project to a valid URL in pagseguro

  • Felipe Insurance Pag advises in their own blog the creation of payments of R $ 1,00 (if I mistake) to be paid with billet! This procedure will already generate a status change in their system that your app can receive and test. The first thing I would advise you to do is to make sure that you are correctly setting up your site’s return url, as this is where you will make all the magic happen, if the address is not well configured on the Secure Pag platform you will not receive the answers to update your system.

2 answers


I set up a Nuget package that does the shipments to Pagseguro, based on their Github:

The sources are here.

Creating a Request

These are the steps to create a basic request. The remaining examples should be considered using the example below as a basis.

    // Essa variável define se é o ambiente de teste ou produção.
    const bool isSandbox = true;


        var credentials = PagSeguroConfiguration.Credentials(isSandbox);

        // Instanciar uma nova requisição de pagamento
        var payment = new PaymentRequest {Currency = Currency.Brl};

        // Adicionar produtos
        payment.Items.Add(new Item("0001", "Notebook Prata", 1, 2430.00m));
        payment.Items.Add(new Item("0002", "Notebook Rosa", 2, 150.99m));

        // Código que identifica o pagamento
        payment.Reference = "REF1234";

        // Informações de entrega
        payment.Shipping = new Shipping
            ShippingType = ShippingType.Sedex,
            Cost = 10.00m,
            Address = new Address(
                "Sao Paulo",
                "Jardim Paulistano",
                "Av. Brig. Faria Lima",
                "5o andar"

        // Informações do remetente
        payment.Sender = new Sender(
            "Joao Comprador", 
            "[email protected]", 
            new Phone("11", "56273440")

        // URL a redirecionar o usuário após pagamento
        payment.RedirectUri = new Uri("");

        // Informações extras para identificar o pagamento.
        // Essas informações são livres para adicionar o que for necessário.
        payment.AddMetaData(MetaDataItemKeys.GetItemKeyByDescription("CPF do passageiro"), "123.456.789-09", 1);
        payment.AddMetaData("PASSENGER_PASSPORT", "23456", 1);

        // Outra forma de definir os parâmetros de pagamento.
        payment.AddParameter("senderBirthday", "07/05/1980");
        payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemColor", "verde", 1);
        payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemId", "0003", 3);
        payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemDescription", "Mouse", 3);
        payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemQuantity", "1", 3);
        payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemAmount", "200.00", 3);

        var senderCpf = new SenderDocument(Documents.GetDocumentByType("CPF"), "12345678909"); 

        var paymentRedirectUri = payment.Register(credentials);

        Console.WriteLine("URL do pagamento : " + paymentRedirectUri);
    catch (PagSeguroServiceException exception)
        Console.WriteLine(exception.Message + "\n");

        foreach (var element in exception.Errors)
            Console.WriteLine(element + "\n");

Create Order with Signature

Here a signature release is made within a normal sale, which asks the user for approval.

        var now = DateTime.Now;

        payment.PreApproval = new PreApproval
            Charge = Charge.Manual,
            Name = "Seguro contra roubo do Notebook",
            AmountPerPayment = 100.00m,
            MaxAmountPerPeriod = 100.00m,
            Details = string.Format("Todo dia {0} será cobrado o valor de {1} referente ao seguro contra roubo do Notebook.", now.Day, payment.PreApproval.AmountPerPayment.ToString("C2")),
            Period = Period.Monthly,
            DayOfMonth = now.Day,
            InitialDate = now,
            FinalDate = now.AddMonths(6),
            MaxTotalAmount = 600.00m,
            MaxPaymentsPerPeriod = 1


    // Tendo um código de transação, insira no segundo argumento.
    var cancelResult = PreApprovalService.CancelPreApproval(credentials, "3DFAD3123412340334A96F9136C38804");

Check Status of a Transaction

    // Transação Normal
    var transaction = NotificationService.CheckTransaction(credentials, "766B9C-AD4B044B04DA-77742F5FA653-E1AB24", false);

    // Transação Tipo Assinatura
    var preApprovalTransaction = NotificationService.CheckTransaction(credentials, "3DFAD3123412340334A96F9136C38804", true);

Search Transaction by Transaction Code

    var preApprovalTransaction = TransactionSearchService.SearchByCode(credentials, "3DFAD3123412340334A96F9136C38804", true);

Search Transactions by Date Range

        // Definindo a data de ínicio da consulta 
        var initialDate = new DateTime(2014, 07, 01, 08, 50, 0);

        // Definindo a data de término da consulta
        var finalDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-5);

        // Definindo o número máximo de resultados por página
        const int maxPageResults = 10;

        // Definindo o número da página
        const int pageNumber = 1;

        // Realizando a consulta
        var result =

        if (result.Transactions.Count <= 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Nenhuma transação");

        if (result.PreApprovals.Count <= 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Nenhuma assinatura");

        foreach (var transaction in result.Transactions)
            Console.WriteLine("Começando listagem de transações - \n");
            Console.WriteLine(" - Terminando listagem de transações ");

        foreach (var transaction in result.PreApprovals)
            Console.WriteLine("Começando listagem de assinaturas - \n");
            Console.WriteLine(" - Terminando listagem de assinaturas ");
  • Congratulations for the work. How I can change the location where the Pagseguroconfig.xml file is stored. I get the following error: "Unable to locate a part of the 'C: Configuration Pagseguroconfig.xml' path." If I put in this way works normally, but when I put the project in Azure for example, I will have problems. I want to add this file to my project and reference it to it, how can I do it? I thank you already!

  • I need to update the package. I’ll do it today if I have time.

  • All right, man! Thanks! ;)

  • Hi, and to use the donation button and then redeem the total amount or each transaction? In my case is in php. Thank you!

  • @Marcelloinfoweb Please ask another question in the PHP tag.

  • 1

    @Kleytonsantos Young, sorry for the delay. I updated the package today.

  • 1

    Nothing, All right! Currently I started using Paypal... But still your adjustment was very valid! Thanks @Ciganomorrisonmendez :)

  • @Romaniomorrisonmendez this line of code, URL of the payment would be the screen of my site that the user will inform the payment data? card type billet etc? Console.Writeline("Payment URL : " + paymentRedirectUri);

  • Yes, the Pagseguro screen that these data are filled.

  • I crossed that line Console.Writeline("Payment URL : " + paymentRedirectUri); and then I opened a question here, it was answered that this line returns a console in dos for the user to enter the data, what would it really take for you to send this information to the pagseguro? I believe the error is here.

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You can use the Pagseguro Testserver for testing purposes. To know when the user made the payment there is the return URL (callback) that you configure that will be the address that he must return if he made the transaction.

Follow the link below explaining better how to configure and use the local server. A friend used it in TCC and was able to simulate the real environment.

Pagseguro para . Net - Integration Controls and Test Server

  • I made some changes to the question with some doubts that arose from the tutorial.

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