What is the Firebase?


Viewed 10,213 times


I haven’t touched with Android in a while and I haven’t had a chance to mess with Firebase. However, it is often mentioned in SOPT questions.

After all, what is Firebase?

It is a set of technologies?

What are your most used resources?

Could you introduce me?

  • Who negatively could say in what question can be improved?

1 answer


Firebase is a product of Google, a set of technologies available in several languages: Java, Swift, Objective-C, Python, Javascript (including Node.js), Go, Unity and C++.

Among its technologies, the main:

- Realtime Database

Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted Nosql database. With it, you store and sync data between your users in real time.

- Hosting

With Firebase hosting, you can easily deploy a single-page web app, mobile app landing page, or Progressive Web App.

- Cloud Firestore

Cloud Firestore is a Nosql document database that allows you to easily store, sync and query data for your mobile and web applications - on a global scale.

- Cloud Functions

Create functions powered by Firebase products, such as data changes in the Realtime Database, new user registrations by Auth, and conversion events in Analytics.

- Performance monitoring

Get insights into your app’s performance from the point of view of users, with automatic and custom performance tracking.

- Authentication

The goal of Firebase Authentication is to facilitate the development of a secure authentication system and improve the login and environment experience for end users. It offers a complete identity solution, compatible with email/password accounts, phone authentication, Google login, Twitter, Facebook, Github and more.

- Cloud Storage

Cloud Storage is designed to help you store and deliver user-generated content, such as photos or videos, quickly and easily.

- Google Adwords

Boost the number of installations, gain in-depth insights into ad conversions, and showcase targeted ad campaigns using Google Analytics for Firebase’s audiences to interact with your user base.

- Admob

Admob by Google is a mobile advertising platform that can be used to generate revenue with your app. Using Admob with Google Analytics for Firebase provides additional data capabilities and application analytics capabilities. Firebase integrates with Admob without requiring changes to the existing configuration.

- Cloud Messaging

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) provides a reliable, low-battery connection between server and devices to send and receive messages and notifications on Android, iOS, and the web at no cost.

- Google Analytics

Google Analytics for Firebase offers free and unlimited reporting for up to 500 different events. The SDK automatically captures certain key events and user properties, and you can define custom events and evaluate items relevant to your business.

Observation: Not all technologies have support for all platforms

  • 1

    It is worth mentioning that the messaging service/push notification of the old Google Cloud Message (GCM) is considered obsolete and they themselves recommend migrating to Firebase

  • WCF is not deprecated, on the contrary. My previous comment was due to the change I had to make where I worked which was an abrupt break with the GCM, putting the FCM in place. If before I did not make myself clear: FCM == good, GCM == old ugly and bad

  • Ata I now understood, I never used either, thank you. They could change to a slightly different name

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