I need to develop/use a function to compare the text in two versions, to check what has been removed/added/maintained.
One version I upload an html file and extract the plain text, and the other version I get from my database, and also extract the plain text, for comparison.
Do you know of any such function to be used from github or any other source?
I have tried to use the function of this site http://code.iamkate.com/php/diff-implementation/ but they compare row by row, which is not functional, because in version 2, it is possible that a paragraph has been added, and if you compare row by row individually, from one addition, all next comparisons will indicate modification, which is not true.
Manually, the best tool I could find was https://www.diffchecker.com/ but they don’t have an api or open source.
Smart to have been clear enough.
Thanks for your help. But I found a code on github that was perfect.
– David Alves