Generic Tree, how to do?


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I’m trying to assemble a Generic Tree in java to assemble a Boolean expression within a gene expression algorithm, this tree would hold several types of variables, I’m not sure which is the most optimized way to do this, I was thinking of saving logical operator as &&, || in strings and also mathematical operators +, -, /, *. Operators would be stored at branch/root nodes and operands that could be functions or variables would be stored at terminal nodes (leaves), anyone have any idea? I spent the day in that trouble and I’m a little frustrated.

public class ArvoreJava {    
   public static No raiz; // o único campo de dado em Arvore    

   public ArvoreJava() { // construtor    
     raiz = null;  //nenhum nó na arvore    
public static No insere(String palavra, No no) {  //metodo insere  

        if(no == null){  
            no = new No(palavra);  //se nao existir nó cria um novo  

        else if((compare(palavra, no.palavra)) < 0){ // faz comparação, se palavra  
            no.filhoEsquerda = ArvoreJava.insere( palavra , no.filhoEsquerda);// menor que nó, insere na esquerda  
        else if((compare(palavra, no.palavra)) > 0){//se palavra maior que nó, insere na direita  
           no.filhoDireita = ArvoreJava.insere(no.palavra, no.filhoDireita);  
        else{// senão, palavra já contem  
            System.out.println("ERRO: valor já existe na árvore.");  
            return null;  

        return no;  

public static void caminhando(ArvoreJava arv){//caminha na arvore   
                System.out.println("Pré-ordem: ");  

public static int compare(String palavra, String no){ // compara strings e retorna um inteiro  
     return palavra.toString().compareTo(no.toString());//-1 menor, 1 maior, 0 iguais  

        public  void preordem(No no)    {//caminha em preordem  
            if (no == null){  


And the class of the knot.

package arvore;  

public class No {  

     String palavra;    //dado  
     No filhoEsquerda; //cria filho  a esquerda  
     No filhoDireita;  // cria filho a direita  

    public No(String palavra){  
        this.palavra = palavra;  

     public void mostraNo(){     

             System.out.print(", ");     


That is, what I would know how to implement is very simple, but in the personal project I need to implement a structure with these characteristics or close to them to get close to some satisfactory result. Whoever has the patience to try to help, I thank you in advance.

  • My problem is centered on the concept, I understand how to implement a tree but a tree that accepts these various types I am doubtful. I’ll post more or less what I know.

  • If I understand correctly, your problem is that you just want to represent the operators and operands within a logical expression in the form of a tree (the fact of being applied in a genetic algorithm does not come to the case).

  • This Luiz, this is my biggest impasse at the moment.

  • Should I assume that you know how to assemble tree structures in java and that your doubt is only about the most appropriate way to represent operators and operands? It’s not clear in the question.

  • I would know how to assemble a tree that would accept only one type, but I wouldn’t know how to represent a generic tree with several types, which is what I would need (if I’m right r) to represent the operands and operators.

  • 2

    @user2984406 Do you have experience with generic types in Java? Either way, I’m just assembling an answer with an example.

  • I have an experience with little depth, anyway I’ll be studying this part today the time I have left of the night.

  • 2

    @user2984406 I put an answer with a practical example of how such a tree could be modeled. From your question, I see that you already have a good command of the "tree" data structure, so I focused on demonstrating how to mix knots of different types in the same tree (which seems to be the central point of your doubt). The methods for handling, traversing, etc, I leave to you. :)

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1 answer


First, if you need to store different types in a data structure, you must define a supertype for all of them. For example, instead of your node being a class, make it a generic interface:

interface No<T> {
    T avaliar();

So you can define your nodes so that they implement this interface, but each one giving a slightly different implementation:

class FolhaNumerica implements No<Double> {
    double valor;
    Double avaliar() { return valor; }

class FolhaBooleana implements No<Boolean> {
    boolean valor;
    Boolean avaliar() { return valor; }

For operators, my suggestion is to use classes or enumerations to represent them (classes if you predict that they will/can change a lot, enumerations if they are more or less fixed). That way you not only represent them, but can also do something useful with them:

interface Operador<E,S> {
    S aplicar(E[] operandos);
    Class<E> obterClasseOperandos(); // Workaround para uma limitação nos tipos genéricos

class Soma implements Operador<Double,Double> {
    String toString() { return "+"; }
    Double aplicar(Double[] operandos) {
        double ret = 0;
        for ( Double d : operandos )
            ret += d;
        return ret;
    Class<Double> obterClasseOperandos() { return Double.class; }

class Conjuncao implements Operador<Boolean,Boolean> {
    String toString() { return "&&"; }
    Boolean aplicar(Boolean[] operandos) {
        for ( Boolean b : operandos )
            if ( !b )
                return false;
        return true;
    Class<Boolean> obterClasseOperandos() { return Boolean.class; }

class Igualdade implements Operador<Double,Boolean> {
    String toString() { return "=="; }
    Boolean aplicar(Double[] operandos) {
        double primeiro = operandos[0];
        for ( Double d : operandos )
            if ( d != primeiro )
                return false;
        return true;
    Class<Double> obterClasseOperandos() { return Double.class; }

(Note: instead of having unary and binary operators, I made all operators accept a variable number of arguments, to simplify)

Finally, you can create a generic class to represent the branches/root:

class Galho<E,S> implements No<S> {
    Operador<E,S> op;
    No<E>[] operandos;

    S avaliar() {
        E[] array = (E[])Array.newInstance(op.obterClasseOperandos(), operandos.length);
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++ )
            array[i] = operandos[i].avaliar(); // Avalia cada sub-nó recursivamente

        return op.aplicar(array); // Passa os resultados para o operador

That way, you can ride the tree you want:

// (4 == 2 + 2) && true
No<Double> mais = new Galho<Double,Double>(new Soma(), new FolhaNumerica(2), new FolhaNumerica(2))
No<Boolean> igual = new Galho<Double,Boolean>(new Igualdade(), new FolhaNumerica(4), mais);
No<Boolean> raiz = new Galho<Boolean,Boolean>(new Conjuncao(), igual, new FolhaBooleana(true));

boolean resultado = raiz.avaliar(); // true

Example in the ideone. Source code to create a generic array: that answer in Soen.

This is just an example. If you think it necessary, you can create more types of sheets (even a generic type Folha<T> with T valor), more types of operators (I don’t think subtraction with more than 2 operands makes sense), more types of branches, etc.

Note: in my reply, I omitted constructors, modifiers and some generic types for the code not to be too extensive. The example in ideone fills the gaps.

  • 2

    only a silly doubt, those 3 points would be what? O aplicar(I... operandos); ?

  • 2

    They allow passing a variable number of arguments to function. It could also be O aplicar(I[] operandos) - at the end, the compiler will transform the function into that.

  • Got it, thanks a lot, you gave me a big help :D

  • I’m getting an Exception in thread error "main" java.lang.Classcastexception: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Double; do you know what might be happening? is giving this in time to apply the sum.

  • have any idea what it might be?

  • @user2984406 For some reason, Java is not handling the generic parameters well... I’ll see if it’s possible to settle without giving them up, but for now here is a functional alternative. (what changed was: instead of operator parameters being E..., now they are Object[] - and the cast for the correct type is done manually)

  • @user2984406 Apparently, although the documentation of List.toArray say it returns a typed array, the compiler seems to have problems dealing with generic types (i.e. the exception was that one could not convert Object[] for Double[]). That way I used java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance instead. Maybe there is an alternative, making Operador.aplicar receive a list instead of an array (this should simplify the Operator class - eliminating the need for obterClasseOperandos). Then I’ll look into it, for now the code in my updated answer is correct.

  • Boy, if you find out why the old Exception warns me that I didn’t quite understand :/ you saved me

  • 1

    @user2984406 It’s kind of complicated: generic types in Java suffer Erasure when they are compiled (i.e. everything turns Object bytecode). Therefore, when creating an array with parametric types in the code, it becomes an array of Object. On the other hand, each individual operator has the generic type defined at compile time. Therefore, it expects an array of Double, and not of Object. So when he tries to use one Object[] where one expects a Double[] gives a ClassCastException. Cast a cast for E[] does not solve, because of the Erasure. I don’t know if it’s clear, but I hope I helped.

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