Sort by the number of repetitions in a column?


Viewed 558 times


In a query in Mysql I need to select the results and sort the results based on the amount they repeat using the column id_livro, for example:

My table comments:

| id_livro       | comentario  |
|     1          | Com1        |
|     1          | Com2        |
|     2          | Com3        |
|     3          | Com4        |
|     3          | Com5        |
|     3          | Com6        |

In this way I would like to organize a research that returns the most commented books in descending order from the most commented ones to the less commented ones that in the case would be the book 3, 2 and the 1

What would that consult look like? Ps: Results need to be grouped by book id as well.

2 answers


Just put a COUNT of the records and a ORDER BY in the end:

SELECT id_livro,
       COUNT(id_livro) AS quantidade
  FROM comentarios
 GROUP BY id_livro
 ORDER BY quantidade DESC
  • 1

    Thanks Sorack exactly what I needed, I will open another question more or less the same way, I hope it can help me there also you always save me when the subject is mysql


Assuming you have two tables, one for books and one for comments, you could do so:

Table livro:

    id INT,
    nome VARCHAR(25),

INSERT INTO livro VALUES(1, "livro a");
INSERT INTO livro VALUES(2, "livro b");
INSERT INTO livro VALUES(3, "livro c");
INSERT INTO livro VALUES(4, "livro d");

Table comentario:

CREATE TABLE comentario (
    id INT,
    livro_id INT,
    comentario VARCHAR(25),
    PRIMARY KEY(id),
    FOREIGN KEY(livro_id) REFERENCES livro(id)

INSERT INTO comentario VALUES(1, 1, "comentario 11");
INSERT INTO comentario VALUES(2, 1, "comentario 12");
INSERT INTO comentario VALUES(3, 2, "comentario 21");
INSERT INTO comentario VALUES(4, 2, "comentario 22");
INSERT INTO comentario VALUES(5, 2, "comentario 23");
INSERT INTO comentario VALUES(6, 3, "comentario 31");


SELECT l.nome,
       count( AS numero_de_comentarios FROM livro l
LEFT JOIN comentario c ON = c.livro_id
GROUP BY c.livro_id
ORDER BY numero_de_comentarios DESC;


| nome       | numero_de_comentarios |
| livro b    |                     3 |
| livro a    |                     2 |
| livro c    |                     1 |
| livro d    |                     0 |

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