I have a .htaccess
in my test environment developed in Cakephp and . htaccess has authentication so that no one can access it.
Now I need to release a site directory, actually a Cakephp plugin, I need anyone to have access without authentication.
<Directory /home/meusite/app/webroot>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Ambiente de Desenvolvimento Teste"
AuthUserFile /home/user/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all
How can I release a subdirectory from a directory protected by .htaccess
above presented?
It wouldn’t be more interesting instead of treating it in . htaccess you create an authentication system in Cakephp?
– Kenny Rafael
You could post the code you’re using to block access?
– Calebe Oliveira
First, you should post your . htaccess to understand how you are doing the blocking.
– hernandev
@Kennyrafael does not need, as it is a testing environment only. The production environment is operating normally, and the . htaccess is faster to be done. My htaccess code is in question.
– Artur