Button with a value - Ruby on Rails


Viewed 914 times


I have 2 buttons and each one will have to send a template value and will also be the submit

button 1 and button 2 - depending on the button I click it will send the value to the @rating.type field. Similar to a like and dislike. The possible code I imagine should be on view in the helper form_for

[button 1]:

<%= form_for(@avaliacao) do |f| %>
    <%= render 'compartilhado/mensagens_erro', object: f.object %>
    <%= f.hidden_field :item_id %>
    <div class="field">
      <%= f.text_area :avaliacao, placeholder: "Escreva seu Comentario..." %>
<!-- Seria isso no f.submit?? -->
    <div class="col-md-4.5 col-md-offset-8">
      <%= f.submit "Avaliar!", class: "btn btn-large btn-primary" %
<% end %>

1 answer


Try the following (I have not tested in practice):

Create the field @avaliação.tipo of the kind hidden:

<%= f.hidden :tipo, id: 'hidden_tipo' %>

Make the Submit invisible:

<%= f.submit "Avaliar!", class: "..." style='display: none' id='submit' %>

Create both buttons and use jQuery to change the Hidden field and submit the form:

$('#botao1').click(function() {
  • Thanks buddy, it worked here! I thought they would have two buttons from Submit! Good to know that you can do things like this!

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