Error using JSON with datatable


Viewed 368 times


I’m trying to implement my json using the tool datatable, follows my json:


fix an example on JSFIDDLE url:

After that, I would like to know if there is any possibility of leaving the heading dynamic, that is, the <th></th> of <thead>

Thank you

1 answer


Follow Jsfiddle with the answer:

Missed the <tr> in the <thead> in the table statement:

<table class="table table-bordered">

And also fix the Datatable constructor

$(document).ready(function() {

  var dataSet = [ {  "Nome": "Felipe",  "Data": "null",  "Tipo": "Normal",  "RG": "123456798"}, {  "Nome": "Felipe2", "Data": "null", "Tipo": "Normal", "RG": "123456798"}, { "Nome": "Felipe3", "Data": "null", "Tipo": "Normal", "RG": "123456798"}];

     data: dataSet,
        columns: [
            { data: "Nome" },
            { data: "Data" },
            { data: "Tipo" },
            { data: "RG" }

Follow the documentation from with datasource Javascript.

Here is also an example with dynamic columns:

  • Thanks @Thiago , friend, has to leave the header of <thead> dynamic, tipow, the name of the property already pick up direct by ajax

  • 1

    For the record, follow Fiddler with dynamic generation of column

  • Legal, @Rboschini. I made an update with column filter:

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