Posts by sergsoares • 7 points
3 posts
viewsA: How to remove a pod and delete everything related to it
There are several ways to create resources within Kubernetes, depending on the form used it can be simpler or complicated to delete the dependencies created. If you created each item manually, they…
kubernetesanswered sergsoares 7 -
viewsA: How do I deploy to Kubernetes programmatically?
Thinking of Kubernetes as a framework for application infrastructure, it would be possible through the following elements: Service A1 has: Kubernetes Deployment Kubernetes Service Service A2 has:…
viewsA: Answer calculations like Nan
Great that you already understood what Nan is, in short means that the variable is not a number. The code has two errors: the first one is exactly in the royallties section. Note that you are using…
javascriptanswered sergsoares 7