Posts by Rebeca Queiroz • 9 points
2 posts
viewsQ: Why is it that when I type in the new exam he continues to do the sum of the new exam with the old average?
The question is this in php: read four values for a student’s four school grades and print a message saying that the student has passed, if the average school value is greater than or equal to 7. If…
phpasked Rebeca Queiroz 9 -
viewsQ: Why did I repeat it twice to get the answer right?
Find, in any vector of integer values, a certain element of this, given its value in php: <?php $vet=array(3, 9, 7, 5, 6); $chave = 9; // valor que se deseja localizar $nao_localizado = true;…
phpasked Rebeca Queiroz 9