Posts by josé wilker • 29 points
4 posts
viewsQ: How can I extract a character from a string in PHP?
I have this code in PHP that takes information from a text file, this information that comes from this file, comes kind in columns delimited by | as you can see I did a explode in | the result came…
phpasked josé wilker 29 -
viewsQ: How do I make a logical condition by comparing lines from a text file using fopen in php?
I have the code below where he opens the file material1.txt, read to the end and need to make a comparison of one line with another for example: $material =…
viewsQ: How do I pick a line from a field that has no bounds and break into an array?
I have the code that takes a string from a field in the example below: material plant part flow light This string has no delimitations and on top of that, as you can see, the words of the string I…
viewsQ: how do I check if a text file is empty in php and if it is finished?
I have a code that executes a simple query like this select * from tabela where coluna1 = 'valor'; then I have a variable that brings a txt file $filename = "C:/Programfile/arquivo.txt"; and then I…