Posts by Bruna Ramos Rocha Moreira • 1 point
2 posts
viewsQ: How to exchange vowels of a string for numbers?
**>function trocaVogais(string){ palavra="paralelepipedo"; const arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < palavra.length; i++) { if(palavra[i]=="aeiou"){ palavra=arr.push(1); } return palavra; }…
javascriptasked Bruna Ramos Rocha Moreira 1 -
viewsQ: Implement the function on the side that takes a string as parameter and returns the original string, but with the number 1 instead of the vowels
Function trocaLog(string) { // Write your code here } Example: if the word "grape" is passed, the function must return "1v1" Example: if the word "car" is passed, the function must return "c1rr1"…
javascriptasked Bruna Ramos Rocha Moreira 1