Posts by Vitor Fornazieri • 1 point
3 posts
viewsA: Doubt column concatenation
Firebird does not support pivot table, but if you need this on-screen data, from to use the most up-to-date cxGrid of the devExpress palette, it supports pivot table ok another way out would be to…
viewsA: How can I apply increase and percentage reduction over unit value
Another alternative would be to use the IIF that nothing else is, than an if ternary, you could put something like: ( SELECT VALOR1 FROM SPBRAVEN(5, L.ITEM, current_date, 1) ) * IIF(i.classif = 2,…
viewsA: Unexpected end of random command in Firebird
You can try to put a break point in the event that generates the error, for example, at the click of the button, and give Steps, until you get to the line that gives the error, this post again, will…