Posts by Thiago Costa Pereira • 12 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Samba stopped starting
I have a Samba system that was running normally, but now is presenting problems, not start. When rotating: sudo systemctl status samba-ad-dc.service Displays the following error:…
viewsA: How to take this data from filter_input_array and insert it into another php file
Case 1 - If you refer to "another file" as being a file in the same request, then you can create a function (or a class with one method) in the other file to receive the array as parameter. Once…
viewsA: How to make a URL that updates every second without updating my page
PHP is interpreted before loading the page, for you to perform actions after loading you need a scripting language in the frontend, which does this checking every second. In Javascript you can do…