Posts by Bruno Zolotareff • 13 points
3 posts
viewsA: How to limit the number of SQL lines according to a variable?
If you want to take some field from your database you must do a variable to receive the value, for example: $var = 'select campoquerpegodado from your table id_record = 1 (you should know which one…
viewsA: javax.servlet.Servletexception: Error instantiating Servlet class
This error usually happens when there is something wrong with the database connection. However, the Tomcat server is only giving you the message that it is not able to initialize the class and right…
viewsA: What is the advantage of using getters/setters in Javascript classes?
First: Why use Getters and Setters? They are used if other objects need access to the attributes, the object provides public operations (known as getters and setters) to manipulate these attributes.…