Posts by Arthur Ribeiro Dantas • 11 points
2 posts
viewsQ: A program that sums up n numbers where the odd numbers will be disregarded, where it works as it should
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int i, nmrs, n, soma = 0; printf("De quantos numeros quer fazer a soma? (impares serao desconsiderados)\n"); scanf("%d", &nmrs); for (i = 1; i <= nmrs;…
viewsQ: Error in a simple program
#include <stdio.h> int main() { float aguagasta, price, total; printf("Digite o valor de agua [em metros cubicos] gasta em sua casa:\n"); scanf("%f", &aguagasta); if (aguagasta < '20'…
casked Arthur Ribeiro Dantas 11