Posts by Roberto Vieira • 5 points
5 posts
viewsA: Receive message request via Whatsapp with webhook
I would like to understand why they voted against my doubt, but "funny" is that unfortunately no one was able to answer.. But come on, it might be interesting for some rookie. And I hope whoever…
node.jsanswered Roberto Vieira 5 -
viewsQ: Receive message request via Whatsapp with webhook
I need to create a webhook to respond to a request coming from Whatsapp. I created the webhook route on the server pointing to my computer and am using ngrok to test it. I can make a request using…
node.jsasked Roberto Vieira 5 -
viewsQ: Message Whatsapp with Nodejs
I did message testing of my server running Nodejs for Whatsapp using the Wbm library (Wbm is an unofficial API to send Bulk messages in Whatsapp), but I understand that is not the right way, so I am…
viewsQ: Sending e-mail with Nodejs and nodemailer
I understand that there are some posts about how to send email using Nodejs and nodemailer, but after many attempts I still receive the fault Answer: '535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted…
viewsQ: Treat backbutton event in PWA APP created in Ionic
I read that for PWA created in Ionic does not have the solution to handle when the user clicks the backbutton, physical button. The problem is when the user clicks multiple times on the backbutton…