Posts by Vitor Amorim • 21 points
2 posts
viewsQ: My function returns true or false. I made the code, but I think it could be shorter with native js methods
My function returns true or false, did the code, but I think it could be shorter with native javascript methods: function authorUnique() { return books.every((book) => { for (let i in book) { for…
javascriptasked Vitor Amorim 21 -
viewsQ: Hello, good evening! I’m in need of help solving javascript array exercise. I’m Beginner, I appreciate all help
Prepare a program that reads two matrices A and B of a six-element dimension. The matrix A must accept only the input of even values, while the matrix B must accept only input of odd values. The…
javascriptasked Vitor Amorim 21