Posts by Lucas Copatti • 1 point
3 posts
viewsA: Login and password system check date [PHP]
Well, I did a little extra research, I searched, I researched on Youtube and the like. I managed to make my system work perfectly... I believe it will now be the first solution to be available in…
phpanswered Lucas Copatti 1 -
viewsQ: Login and password system check date [PHP]
Good night! I am working on a PHP project, and I came across a barrier, right at the end of my system: It’s pretty simple even, it works like this: 1- ADMIN registers user, password and assigns an…
phpasked Lucas Copatti 1 -
viewsQ: How to reorder a list using PHP?
Well, good evening guys, I want to make it clear here that I’m not a professional programmer or anything like that, I just pick up a few nozzles that come up and, specifically on this one, I took it…
phpasked Lucas Copatti 1