Posts by Matheus Ricardo Brunelli • 1 point
3 posts
viewsA: How to upload the contents of a variable to the backend using javascript fetch?
Solution: For GET PHP was receiving normal, now by POST I needed to make the following changes: function buscarMotorista(idfilial) { const data = 'idfilial=' + idfilial // Concatenar a chave…
viewsQ: I’m not able to send a POST to PHP by Javascript fetch
I’m trying to send a POST to PHP using fetch, the code is like this: <button onclick="fnConsultarDadosPost()">Consultar com POST</button> <button…
viewsQ: How to upload the contents of a variable to the backend using javascript fetch?
I can’t replace ajax with fetch I’m taking all libraries out of my code, and I’m trying to make the most of the resources pure javascript offers, like fetch. However, I am not able to make a request…