Posts by Bruno Carvalho • 17 points
2 posts
viewsQ: Problem with multiplication of matrices in python
Can anyone tell me what the problem is with this code ? (I’m a beginner). import random def mult(): num_l1, num_c1 = len(mat1), len(mat1[0]) num_l2, num_c2 = len(mat2), len(mat2[0]) for i in…
python-3.xasked Bruno Carvalho 17 -
viewsQ: How to find all prime numbers in a set of bounded values?
How to find all prime numbers in a set of { 1..100 }? PS: After finding certain numbers, I need store it in a result list (result = []). lista = [] result = [] cont = 0 for i in range(1, 1001):…
python-3.xasked Bruno Carvalho 17