Posts by Deamble Lopes • 1 point
3 posts
viewsA: error when calculating PHP validate date
I was able to solve by calculating days the sum of an extra day beyond the sum of the calculated same day function dataToTimestamp($data){ $ano = substr($data, 6,4); $mes = substr($data, 3,2); $dia…
phpanswered Deamble Lopes 1 -
viewsQ: error when calculating PHP validate date
Hello person I’m having a little trouble calculating valid dates Calculating days function CalculaDias($xDataInicial, $xDataFinal){ $time1 = dataToTimestamp($xDataInicial); $time2 =…
phpasked Deamble Lopes 1 -
viewsQ: Check empty PHP array
I made a push array, however, has an attribute that I should put only when it has some value or greater than zero. Normally the table takes the value it has, but it cannot be zeroed. If it is zeroed…