Posts by LuizAppItatiba • 1 point
3 posts
viewsA: How to check if the form was sent empty
Hello But in the case of a Form so it is divided by options or will only appear to the user if he click the option button physical person only the fields physical person and if legal person only the…
phpanswered LuizAppItatiba 1 -
viewsA: Why not Filter Select Like in Mysql Php Page
Hello Renan first thank you but I just put table and forgot only to not show the name of the table but even in grid does not return the query would be the version of Msql Pdo I am not using Mysqli?…
phpanswered LuizAppItatiba 1 -
viewsQ: Why not Filter Select Like in Mysql Php Page
Hello I’m having the same problem in my database table where the daily field exists some records are with the following data in the diasemana field = Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and…
phpasked LuizAppItatiba 1