Posts by Arthur Quiessi • 3 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Fill in next fields from a populated PHP input or select
I’m new here and beginner in PHP, but I’m doing a project where I need to fill some form input with data coming from the database from an input or select already filled previously. My user database…
viewsQ: Store items in a cart
Good afternoon! Guys, I have a problem in my code where I have a method to open the catalog (open catalog) with some items and select the iens that I wish, but I can’t pass these selected items to…
javaasked Arthur Quiessi 3 -
viewsQ: Do one or more searches in the database with php
I’m having trouble searching my database with the PHP code where I can search for an "item" but with more than one keyword. For example: I have a database in which I shelter key information such as…