Posts by Lincoln Ferreira - T.I • 19 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Dashboard with php
I am putting together a management page and I would like to add some dynamic Dashboard’s with the store system through PHP, but I already searched and I can’t find anyone explaining how to do it.…
phpasked Lincoln Ferreira - T.I 19 -
viewsQ: While php creating div
I have a PHP code that creates div’s em while, but it took a lot of work to build it because we have to keep opening and closing quotes in the code, I wonder if you have the possibility to do the…
viewsQ: Dynamic checkbox with Ajax and PHP
I am generating a product div with php, in this list I would like to add a check-box with boolean value 0-1 for active and disabling. When the manager clicks disabled the product does not appear to…