Posts by Juliano Corolesqui • 11 points
3 posts
viewsQ: How to receive data from an html form with PHP
Good afternoon, I am new in this area and I am having problems to receive data from my html form with my PHP code. My problem is I’m using for the name of Inputs the following format…
viewsQ: How to change the date that comes from the HTML form as d-m-Y to the Y-m-d format with PHP?
I’m having trouble with PHP code to record the date in my database. I have this code, $data = $_POST ["data"]; $data = date("Y-m-d",strtotime(str_replace('/','-',$data))); $newslleter = "INSERT INTO…
phpasked Juliano Corolesqui 11 -
viewsQ: How to insert dates into a database table using PHP?
I am creating a form where I need to save the dates that are placed inside the Inputs in a table of the Mysql database, but as I am now apprehending PHP, I am having difficulties, because with the…