Posts by TulioBRK • 5 points
2 posts
viewsQ: How do I prevent user input from resulting in a Valueerror, and ask the program to redo the question
I need to learn how to check if the input will result in a Valueerror, and then re-run the input request until the value is an integer. My problem: QuantidadeCabos = int(input("Digite a quantidade…
python-3.xasked TulioBRK 5 -
viewsQ: How to check if there is a repeated string in a list?
I would like to learn an easier way to check all items on a list and search for repeated strings. I’m currently doing it this way: elif "azul" in fios[0] and fios[1] or "azul" in fios[1] and fios[2]…
python-3.xasked TulioBRK 5