Posts by André Góes • 3 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Delete.php file, along with deletion of record in the database, by getting the name of the.php file by a variable
Hey there, guys! I have a registration with id, title, date and event, in the database, so, when making a new registration, the person fills only the title and date, and the "event" field is…
phpasked André Góes 3 -
viewsQ: "Undefined index" and "Cannot access Empty Property"
Hello, folks! Although there are many posts here in Stack regarding this issue, none of them was enough for me to fix mine. I am creating an admin panel of a website whose homepage is basically a…
phpasked André Góes 3 -
viewsQ: How to include php files containing "session_start()", "echo", etc., in another php file without the "headers already sent" error?
I have already investigated here in Stack about such error, but I have not found a way to solve my specific problem. I have a file saved as PHP that works as an "index", basically full of HTML.…
phpasked André Góes 3