Most voted "versioning" questions
Versioning is the process of assigning names of any single version or single version numbers to unique file states and computer directories. Within a certain category of version number (larger, smaller), these numbers are usually assigned in ascending order and correspond to new developments in the software.
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viewsHow do you "pull" a Branch from origin without git pull?
I am in a joint project, in origin was created a branch that I do not have on PC, how to copy this Branch to my machine without having to give a pull ? I’d like to have Branch exactly as she is,…
viewsVersioning and code sharing
Hello, I have the following question. We have a team of 4 Devs, where we happen to work on the same project at the same time. The sources are on a "server" machine on the local network. I’ve tried…
viewsGIT command to delete the last log without affecting the current version
I would like to delete the last commit log that I did, the commit log that’s there is from a file that I deleted, but I don’t want it to be in versioning, which git command I need to do for it?…