Most voted "react-router" questions
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views(React Native) Typeerror: Undefined is not an Object (evaluating '_this.props.navigation')
I can’t fix this mistake.. someone help me I click the button to go to another page and it appears.. follows the code: [This is the code of the menu component, it has a list of buttons with this…
javascript react react-native react-navigation react-routerasked 4 years, 9 months ago miguelrisquelme 9 -
viewsReactjs props for others
Good afternoon, am with a beginner question I would like to know if anyone can help me doubt is the following need to pass the active that is selected in Navbar.js for Home.js to be able to render…
viewsProblems with React-router-dom Withrouter
If you turn on, I started making an app and I needed a header menu for the transition, this would be a menu that is rendered on every page. That is why it was created and is ultimalized outside the…
viewsNot returning HTML in React
Guys I’m doing Omni Stack 9 from Rocket Seat, where Diego teaches to develop a copy of Airbnb but for Devs. I’m doing the Web part and I can do even the quiet login page, is redirecting to Dashboard…
viewsHow to pass Form via URL
Hello, I’m new to React I have a Home Component that has a Form I would like to know how to get the inputs of this form and pass via get to another component: On routes I passed like this <Route…
viewsRoute problem when loading Bundle.js
I have a route that has the bar character "/" in the middle, as shown below: <Route path="/answers/:question_id" component={QuestionAnswers} /> The link works normal. <Link…
viewsI’m losing the state with when returning page with <Link> of the React-router-dom - REACT
I’m creating an application in React using the github api, it lists the repositories of a particular user, each item (each repository listed) has a Link from the React-router-gift called "Details",…
viewsHow to return a message to the Fronteend after checking an API in Reactjs
I am making a registration form in Nextjs, working ok, the inputs takes the user input data via reactJS FETCH API and sends to a MYSQL database, Until here ok, what I’m cracking my head is time to…
viewsRoutes in Reactjs
I’m studying ReactJS and I’m having a problem with the routes. I managed to implement the route, but when I click to open a page, it remains rendering the page that was open before and only after…
viewsSpecified route configuration error using Fuse React Maximum update Depth exceeded:
I am using the Fuse template for React and need to configure private routes for each specific user profile, following the documentation I set my route file by placing the path parameter and the…
viewsAsync/await not working in React typescript (Hooks)
I’m running a route-fed authentication. But this not respecting the await of the post in the login api. Sometimes it works locally but most of the time it "skips" the post. import React, {useState}…
Hello, I am a student of programming, and during a project I came across a mistake that I cannot solve. I am basically in the creation part of "login" route, whose purpose is to search in the…