Most voted "material-design" questions
Material design, introduced with the Lollipop version (Android 5.0 - API 21), is a comprehensive guide to visual, motion and interaction design for various platforms and devices. Use in questions related to your implementation and not because your project uses new components or features.
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viewsHow to remove the margin added to the label in Textfield that has prefixIcon when receiving Focus?
Current Goal: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(10), child: TextFormField( keyboardType: TextInputType.number, textInputAction: TextInputAction.continueAction, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20),…
viewsI can’t show the Material Design icon on screen
I tried to put the menu of Material Design, but I was not successful. Please someone has how to check if something is wrong with my code? angular js. "styles": [ "src/styles.scss",…
viewsProblems using the Cardview element (Material Design - Android)
I’m trying to use the Cardview element of Material Design in my Android app, but I’m not getting. Could someone help me identify the error of my code? Below is the code used. Log of Android Studio…