Most voted "lua" questions
Lua is a fast and lightweight scripting language designed to extend applications. It is typed dynamically, interpreted from bytecodes, and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection. Its features make Lua an ideal language for configuration, automation and rapid prototyping. (visit
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viewsLua: Make the Lua garbage collector collect unique(as) objects/tables referenced by a table
Let’s assume I have a table that stores information on 200 tables, local rand = math.random; --[=[ - Uma tabela que armazena uma informação - sobre tabelas específicas - (Cada campo contém uma chave…
viewsLong Comments and Long Strings
I would like an appropriate explanation of what they are Long Comments and Long Strings, although they may be small resources.
viewsWhat are weak tables?
What are Weak Tables (weak tables) in version 5.0 Lua? When to use them?