Most voted "delphi" questions
Delphi is a language for the rapid development of native applications for Windows, OS X, iOS and Android applications. The name refers to both the Delphi language (a modern evolution of Object Pascal) and its IDE, which is used to help edit and debug Delphi projects.
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viewsDelphi registry key permissions
Windows security settings often do not allow registry keys to be changed by the user. As is the case with the key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT Currentversion Schedule Taskcache…
viewsDelphi Firemonkey button in tTabControl does not respond
I’m creating an app with Berlin Starter Edition. I put a tTabControl in the Form, I created a Tab and put a tButton in it. Both the tTabControl as to the tButton are Enabled. But when I run the…
viewsHow to show exceptions raised in Datasnap REST Server, in client?
Good afternoon, you guys. So I have the following problem. I created a multi-tier Application using the Datasnap REST Server. I implemented the server with all servermethods and also the client, so…
delphiasked 8 years, 6 months ago Thiago Luiz Oliveira 1 -
viewsBDE does not connect to Sysdba user
I’m going through some problem with my BDE that I don’t know yet right what it is, for some reason it doesn’t connect in the bank with the user|default password of Firebird. I connect the same bank…
viewsDelphi _How to pass data to a record array type property
unit Exemplo; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, typinfo; const type {TRecordRateio} TRecordRateio = Record IdContaCorrente : Integer; CodBanco : String; Agencia : String; DVAgencia : String;…
viewsHow to delete directories containing subdirectories and files on an FTP server in Delphi?
I am for some time trying to make my application made in Delphi 2010 remove a directory on an FTP server, I used Tidftp for such a task with the command "Remove", but the process fails, because…
viewsWebbrowser from Delhi
Is there any way to improve the WebBrowser Delphi? In the current format it does not support more sophisticated pages like Pje tjmg public query.
viewsfunction that returns driver mapping letter in Delphi
I need a function or command on Delphi returning the user drivers mapping letter. example: Z:, U:
delphiasked 6 years, 9 months ago Andrea Ferreira Garcia 45 -
viewsI cannot write data to a txt file
Code: qr.ParamByName('mes').AsString:= edmes.Text; qr.ParamByName('ano').AsString:= edano.Text; qr.Active:= true; qr.First; try AssignFile(arq, 'relatorio.txt'); Rewrite(arq);…
delphiasked 6 years, 7 months ago Italo Rodrigo 4,344 -
viewsCheck if record already exists in DB Grid Delphi
Good afternoon, you guys. The language I’m using is Delphi 4. I have a question on how to check if a record already exists in DB Grid. The values I want to enter in Dbgrid will be typed in a DB…
viewsQuery pass null parameter
I can pass the value is null or is not null through a Query? Example in SQL: select * from tb_teste where tb_teste.data_hora :PARAMETRO; At Delphi: Query.ParamByName('PARAMETRO').value = 'is not…
viewsAccessviolation when changing Borderstyle
Hello! I’m trying to change the borderstyle property at the event onCreate form, but error occurs AccessViolation, someone knows how I can solve? My code: procedure TfmContasPagar.FormCreate(Sender:…
viewsHow to load a Combobox in Firemonkey for Android
I have an Edit and next to it a Combobox. The idea is that Edit displays the registration id and combo the description. And when changing the combo option also change the id on Edit. In the VCL to…
viewsCheck if I have data in the query, when giving the next or prior
I have a query in Delphi, where I give the command next and prior, only I can’t check if it’s my first or last record, what I want specifically is, when pressing the next button, check if it’s my…
viewsget name and properties fonts installed in windows on Delphi
And people blz? I am wanting to get the property of fonts installed in windows using Delphi. can already get all fonts in a listbox now I need to get the name and extension of the font. //lista…
delphiasked 5 years, 6 months ago user49181 -
viewsDelphi - Join PDF files
I need the following process to be able to join some PDF files. procedure Tservermain.reportmaster_relatorioReports(Sender: TObject); begin with reportmaster_relatorio.Reports do begin…
viewsFiremonkey and VCL - Edit cursor does not appear
I have a VCL project, with a main form in VCL and a button that opens a FMX form with an Edit, but when focusing on Edit the pointer does not appear and does not blink, the problem only happens when…
viewsAngular Integration with Delphi
I have a Delphi Datasnap Restful server to be accessed with Angular front-end, I was able to apply GET normally but in trying to run a DELETE I get the http error Failure Would anyone know how to…
viewsHow to print a text with FMX.Printer
Hello, I’m migrating a print code via Vcl spooler to FMX (Firemonkey), but I can’t find the FMX method equivalent to the Vcl method Printer.Canvas.TextOut. Please tell me what methods are used to…
viewsCreate a Password Calculator
First I am beginner in Delphi and I took as my primary initiative to carry out a program to assist in my work, because in the application I use the password varies daily in two situations that I…
delphiasked 6 years, 1 month ago Danilo Vilhena 65 -
viewsInputado value does not appear
I’m having a doubt in an exercise where I have to show which number is the least or the most insane. But it’s not bringing the right result. Segue o código. unit Unit1; interface uses…
viewsFor is not giving continue (Firemonkey)
I’ve literally been looking at this piece of code since yesterday trying to figure out why the foris not passing 0. I have tried several ways, and already confirmed that I am always adding one more…
viewshow to create labels with quick reports
I made a label printing works well, to print a label for each existing product or the Masterdata does correctly. Except that for Label or that I wanted it to be the same product, if I repeated an…
viewsFiredac Fdquery with Mysql Transaction.commit and rollback does not work
I am running a test with Fdconnection and Fdquery and Mysql database. In my test table there is only one field called key with Primary key. Running command below, rollback does not work. Relate the…
viewsWhat would be the code to simulate the inverse of the tab
I have a project in which I open a form inside the other, and with this in the secondary Forms the Onkeydown event instead of going to the secondary Forms are going to the Main form, more if I press…
views< Error while consuming api using REST Debugger >
I need to consume an api to integrate with a system developed in Delphi, it is necessary to pass information in the request header (key/value). Api data: Url:…
viewsSend files to Mysql in Blob
good morning. Does anyone know how to send exe and csv files to Mysql using Delphi? I didn’t find much in it. I need to save CSV files in the table but when I import by the test below the file size…
viewsConvert forms (Form1.Designer.Vb) to Delphi (Form1.dfm or Form1.fmx)
I’d like a little help with your information. I am starting to program again this year 2021, because I had to stay away for a few years, for reasons of an ischemic stroke, and only now I can be…
delphiasked 3 years, 7 months ago aguadoarte 1 -
viewsC++ method for Delphi
Hello, good morning to all. Please wonder how this C++ method would look below in Delphi. Follows: bool hook(void* old_function, void* new_function) { return eat_hook(old_function, new_function)…
viewsRead lines from a Txt file and play in different Edits
I have the following structure of .Txt: --------DEF-------- 3 25 3 2 46 ------PROF1---------- 0-20 cm 100% 100% 100% 10% 33% 0% 100% 0% Outro I would like it when the user chooses the option of .Txt…
viewsHow to Open/Close Multiple Forms from a Main Form
I have a FormPrincipal which has a Tmenu with Tactionlist and from this form I want to call several other Forms, according to the menu items. In the main form, I have a Panel and I want the others…
viewsFocus item on Listbox with Delphi
The following code only works if you type the full string, I would like to modify the code to also focus on the listbox when part of the text is typed autocomplete style procedure…
viewsError comparing strings in Delphi
I’m using the code: conexao.First; while not conexao.Eof do begin if (conexao.FieldValues['complex'] = '02' and conexao.FieldValues['financ'] = '04') then total24:= total24 +…
delphiasked 6 years, 5 months ago Italo Rodrigo 4,344 -
viewsDelphi Two methods for Onmessage
In Delphi, it is possible to set two methods for the event OnMessage of TApplication? Detail: both should work simultaneously. Ex.: TApplication.OnMessage := MetodoA(); TApplication.OnMessage :=…
viewshow to exchange the value of a cell in dbgrid
Good afternoon. I’m trying to change a cell phone T for Sim and F for Não, because the visualization on DBGrid this being T or F as shown in the Table in the database. I’ve made many attempts like:…
viewsHow to delete the line in memo according to the amounts of Numbers in Delphi?
Good Night, I have a memo that takes several strings and in many lines, I want to delete the lines that contain less or more than seven(7) numbers ,leaving only the lines that have exactly seven(7)…
viewsJavascript function equivalent to Delphi Frac
I need a function in Javascript that returns the fractional part of a floating point number. Example: if Frac( num1 / num2 ) > 0 then begin
viewsCalling Form by String
Hello, I made a routine to call the forms by the name of Form, 'fmContas', 'fmProdutos', etc., after calling it they are with NIL, how to assign the default form to the name? The Routine: I call to…
delphiasked 5 years, 3 months ago Pedro Cell 11 -
viewsHTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
I have a method in DELPHI that performs a Post using TIDHTTP. The first time it works normally, but from the second it presents me the error: exception class EIdHTTPProtocolException with message…
viewsEmbroider round on Trldraw component
In Strong Report I have the Trldraw component in it I can set in the property Drawkind = dkRectangle, where a rectangle is drawn, I would like the corners to be rounded, someone knows which property…