Most voted "actionscript-3" questions
Actionscript 3 is the third version of Actionscript, an object-oriented scripting language based on Ecmascript, used primarily for building RIA applications.
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views*public class*, what is your role in the script action?
Good people, I’m trying to learn actionscript 3.0 to understand how the source of a game works, because there is a part of the script that I can’t find a good explanation on the internet that is the…
actionscript-3asked 6 years, 9 months ago Richard Santos 74 -
viewsHow to pick the last digit of a number in Actionscript 3
I have a variable with some value (var qtdd = 758) within a function and would like to take only the last digit of this variable, in case the number 8. Does anyone know how to do this in…
actionscript-3asked 6 years ago jeznunes 37 -
viewsHow to concatenate a variable in Actionscript 3?
Hello, I have a list of clips Movie to be called inside an if, but I’m not able to concatenate the variable that contains the name of these clips. Imagine that: I have three clips: P1, P2 and P3.…
viewsHow to upload multiple flash content without conflicting with the maintimeline of other previously uploaded content using Loader.loadBytes?
In my project, I am trying to save all the swfs loaded in memory to make users free of delay... I can’t and I don’t want to use "Loader.unloadAndStop()" in the Loader. I am saving all content…