What are controller actions?


Viewed 858 times


In that reply the Gypsy says

This (example) is good when you have several Actions in the Controller

What are the Actions of a Controller?

Note: I would like some example of code as well, defining a controller with two or more actions and see how those actions are "called".

1 answer


In ASP.NET MVC, urls are mapped to methods (Actions) in classes that define the so-called controllers (Controllers). Requests sent by browsers are processed by controllers.

The processing performed by a controller to handle a request consists basically of:

  • Recover data sent by user through forms
  • Interact with the template layer.
  • Trigger the presentation layer to build the HTML page that should be sent to the user in response to your request.

In order for a class to be considered a controller, it must follow some rules.

  • Class name must have the suffix "Controller".
  • The class must implement the interface System.Web.Mvc.IController or inherit from the class System.Web.Mvc.Controller

A controller can contain several actions (Actions). Actions are used to process requests made by browsers. To create an action, it is necessary to define a public method within the class of a controller. The parameters of this method can be used to receive the data sent by users through HTML forms. This method must return a Actionresult which will be used by ASP.NET MVC to define what should be executed after the action ends.

By default, when we create an ASP.NET MVC project in Visual Studio, a route with the format {controller}/{action}/{id} is added to the route table. With this route, if a request is made to the url http://www.k19.com.br/Editora/Listagem, the controller defined by the class Editoracontroller and the action implemented by the List() method of this class will be chosen to process this request.


public class EditoraController
  public ActionResult Listagem()
    return View();

Source: K32 - Web development with ASP.NET MVC Page: 129

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