Add value to a checkbox Instantly


Viewed 2,157 times


Since I don’t have much knowledge of javascript I would like a help of how I can make this calculation script, I would like when clicking on each checkbox to automatically show me the result on the screen adding up all marked
and a subtraction of a variable

 $variavel = 100,00

 <input type="" checked="" value="20,00"  />
 <input type="" checked="" value="20,00"  />
 <input type="" checked="" value="20,00"  />
 <input type="" checked="" value="20,00"  />

 <div id='resultado_soma'><?echo $total?></div>  <!--Resultado da soma dos 
 <div id='resultado_soma_menos_variavel'><?echo $total_geral?></div>  <!-- 
 Resultado Pegando      
 a Variavel - Resultado checkbox -->
  • Friend, You need to name the input’s, So they can be assigned to functions in javascript, If everyone has not assigned ID’s, It is not possible to do the sum. For example: <input type="" checked="" value="20,00" id="val1" />

2 answers


See this code if it helps you:

$variavel = 100;
    <script src=""></script>
    <input type="checkbox" name="soma" checked="checked" value="20" />
    <input type="checkbox" name="soma" value="20" />
    <input type="checkbox" name="soma" value="20" />
    <input type="checkbox" name="soma" value="20" />
    <input type="checkbox" name="soma" value="20" />
    <label>Resultado subtraindo</label>
    <input id='resultado' type="text" value='20' />
    <label>Resultado sem subtrair</label>
     <input id='resultado_sem_subtratir' type="text" value='20' />

    function somartotal() {
    var resultado = $("input:checked");
    var i=0;
    var total = 0;
    for (i=0;i<resultado.length;i++)
    total = total+parseInt(resultado[i].value);

     total_subtraindo = total - <?php echo $variavel;?>
     $("#resultado").val("R$ " + total_subtraindo.toFixed(2).replace('.',','));
  $("#resultado_sem_subtratir").val("R$ " + total.toFixed(2).replace('.',','));




  • Ola That’s just said the result decrease to $variable - total = xxx

  • Hello Friend this last one didn’t work and I think you don’t understand. would be two exits, one with the sum of the checkbox and the other taking the variable and going up the sum sum of the checkbox.

  • really did not function because I did not close php '?>'. See now, I did as you asked with two options one showing subtracting and the other not.

  • That’s right. Thank you


Come on, the first thing I modified in your code were the inputs to facilitate the result see:

<input type="checkbox" checked="" value="20.00"  />
<input type="checkbox" checked="" value="20.00"  />
<input type="checkbox" checked="" value="20.00"  />
<input type="checkbox" checked="" value="20.00"  />

I added the type to checkbox and changed the comma to dot

Now for you to use the variables in PHP as $variable, $total and $total_general you will need to save the data after each change in the checkbox, you can use ajax for this.

 $variavel = 100,00
<input type="checkbox" checked="" value="20.00"  />
<input type="checkbox" checked="" value="20.00"  />
<input type="checkbox" checked="" value="20.00"  />
<input type="checkbox" checked="" value="20.00"  />
<div id='resultado_soma'><?echo $total?></div>  <!--Resultado da soma dos checkbox-->
<div id='resultado_soma_menos_variavel'><?echo $total_geral?></div>
<!-- Resultado Pegando a Variavel - Resultado checkbox -->

Now javascript for all this work

(function() {
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
var resultado = document.getElementById('resultado_soma');
var total = 100.00;

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
    elements[i].onclick = function() {
        if (this.checked === false) {
            total = total - this.value;
        } else {
            total = total + parseFloat(this.value);

        resultado.innerHTML = total;

You can see the full code here too :

  • In this script how can I do that by clicking beyond the sum show the Names and values of checkbox marked

  • Names you mean the input name attribute ?

  • yes name="" and value=""

  • http model://

  • I don’t know if this is exactly what you need, but here’s a new example:

  • not no... only show C1 20.00, C2 20.00... if clicked

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