How to fix the problems reported with the Blackbox Debug plugin in Wordpress?


Viewed 345 times


I am facing several speed problems on my Wordpress site.
Seeking to identify causes, I added the plugin Blackbox Debug that identified 33.1 errors with the theme I use, which is well loaded.

I removed the theme and put a basic theme to see if it persisted and the following log below was reported, with still 12 errors:

Strict (259)    is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator on line 392 in file /home/meusite/public_html/wp-includes/post.php
Strict (11) is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator on line 498 in file /home/meusite/public_html/wp-includes/capabilities.php
Strict (3)  is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator on line 75 in file /home/meusite/public_html/wp-includes/functions.wp-scripts.php
Strict (2)  is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator on line 105 in file /home/meusite/public_html/wp-includes/functions.wp-styles.php
Strict (6)  is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator on line 160 in file /home/meusite/public_html/wp-includes/functions.wp-styles.php
Strict (12) is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator on line 197 in file /home/meusite/public_html/wp-includes/functions.wp-scripts.php
Strict  is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator on line 37 in file /home/meusite/public_html/wp-includes/functions.wp-styles.php
Strict  is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator on line 115 in file /home/meusite/public_html/wp-includes/functions.wp-scripts.php
Strict  is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator on line 812 in file /home/meusite/public_html/wp-includes/script-loader.php
Strict  is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator on line 729 in file /home/meusite/public_html/wp-includes/script-loader.php
Strict (101)    is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator on line 205 in file /home/meusite/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-error.php
Notice (3)  Trying to get property of non-object on line 597 in file /home/meusite/public_html/wp-includes/nav-menu.php

What do these errors mean? How can I correct them?

  • Which version of PHP is installed on the server?

  • 1

    This question is not broad or unclear. I, who use Wordpress constantly, understand perfectly what the problem is. What’s more, the question has already been properly answered by @Math.

  • 1

    I agree that the question was made half-hearted at first, but I thought the decision to close it was hasty, no one who closed even added a comment asking the author to elaborate the question better.

2 answers


is_a() was retired in php 5.0 but was reintroduced in 5.3.

To solve your problem do a PHP update.

Reference: PHP Manual

  • 1

    Correct! Reference of the documentation here.

  • Good! lacked a reference.. I can add your suggestion to my reply?

  • Sure, make yourself at home!

  • Thank you very much, it was very simple and ,just an update and it was clean!!!


Therefore it is possible to verify in this error report, the substitution of the method is requested is_a() for instanceof, since the first one is obsolete (according to PHP 5 manual). For example:

Where featured

if (is_a($WF, 'WidgetFactory'))

I suggest putting

if ($WF instanceof WidgetFactory)

Probably with this change the amount of errors found will decrease to 1.

  • 3

    The function is_a() is no longer depreciated. Do not change the core of Wordpress because of this.

  • E.Homas used the answer from Math for being easier, but thanks anyway for having people who help the development community in Brazil,.

  • No problem @user5004. I am glad that I also learned to read the complete documentation, as I did not notice that the is_a() function was reactivated, cfe: 5.3.0 This Function is no longer deprecated, and will therefore no longer throw E_STRICT warnings. (Source [])

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