Capture Variable Image Content


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I have an HTML5 application that captures a webcam image through the browser that I need to capture and record to the database as a binary.

On the server side, in PHP, I have:

$directory = $img;
$element_img = base64_encode(file_get_contents($directory));

And the process of capturing the client, with Javascript, takes place through the onClick event of a button, which after captured sends it to another window that I open in the browser:

function btnCaptura() {
    var img = App.canvas.toDataURL("image/png");, "_blank", "menubar=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,width=" + App.canvas.width + ",height=" + App.canvas.height);


And although it works, that is, the captured image is sent to the open window, I need to send this image to PHP so that it can be saved in the database, but I’m not getting it.

Note: If it is possible to do everything in the same window, without opening a new one, just showing a warning that the image was captured successfully, it would be better.

  • Test what I told you in the answer and return if you have any problems.

  • I can put the code of your save function inside my btnCaptura function thus: Function btnCaptura() { var img = App.canvas.toDataURL("image/png");, "_self", "menubar=0,Titlebar=0,Toolbar=0,width=" + App.canvas.width + ",height=" + App.canvas.height); sessionStorage.setItem('image', img); /* if it is convenient to keep the data after the user closes the browser, create a localStorage instead of a sessionStorage */ Alert("Successfully saved"); Location.Reload(); }

  • What are you going to use open() for? No need, in your case.

  • Look at my answer.

  • commented the line // as your example captured the content of the img variable that is in javascript, in php it looked like this: $img = "<script> sessionStorage.getItem('image');</script>"; var_dump ($img); $directory = $img; $element = base64_encode(file_get_contents($directory)); echo '<img src="data:image/png;Base64,'. $element. ' "/>'; giving error->>>>string(51) "" Warning: file_get_contents(): failed to open stream: Invalid argument

  • To pass url as filename you must have allow_url_fopen in php.ini enabled. See if this is it.

  • Directive; Local Value; Master Value; allow_url_fopen; On; On;

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2 answers


Well, as for opening in the same window, just replace the _blank for _self, note; if you leave the parameter blank, the default is _blank. As for saving the content in a php variable, you can save the image in a sessionStorage, then reload the page.

function btnCaptura() {
   var img = App.canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
   sessionStorage.setItem('imagem', img); /* se for conveniente manter os dados depois de o usuário fechar o navegador, crie uma localStorage no lugar de uma sessionStorage. */
   alert("Salvo com sucesso");

Logo, in your php just put:

$img = "<script> sessionStorage.getItem('imagem');</script>"; 


Can do using jquery with ajax like this:

var img = App.canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
    type: POST, url: 'urlpagina.php'
        data: { 
            imagem   : img,
    }).done(function( res ) {
        // res conterá a resposta de urlpagina.php, faça o que quiser com ele

vc can still send by ajax without using Jquery. But using it is much easier. If you want to do without Jquery have an example here:

PHP will receive the image in the system variable $_POST['image'] as is common in submits.

  • Caro Nelson. When trying to use your code inside the Function btnCaptura this way: Function btnCaptura() { var img = App.canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); $. ajax({ type: POST, url: 'urlpagina.php' date: { image : img, } }). done(Function( res ) { // res will contain the answer of urlpagina.php, do whatever you want with it }); } //With this, when clicking on the browser, it does not allow the user’s webcam access window ->>>>>>>>

  • the code above is just to illustrate an Ajax call. If you need to go through this permission window, put in a function separates the code where it appears and synchronously get the value you need. Then make the Ajax call. If you don’t know what synchronous and asynchronous say I’ll explain.

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