What is formal documentation?


Viewed 169 times


On the website of W3schools they mention the expression "formal documentation".

It is Most common to use single line comments.

Block comments are often used for formal Documentation.

What is a formal documentation?

1 answer


This means that the comment will be used to create documentation.

The formal documentation comment should be public and is often used to create external documentation in a more presentable way for a human.

There will be the name of the object, the function, the expected parameters, the return, what they do, what care to take, eventually an example of use and other related subjects. So these comments give a basis for the programmer who is consuming that know how to use.

This documentation shows the contracts that the consumer of this object/function will have to fulfill to use correctly.

The statement of the site cited (which is known to be a bad reference and responsible for many people learning wrong) gives room for interpretation. It is not wrong because it uses words that accept another interpretation but induces people to think that it occurs so much, curiously the examples used show the opposite. W3schools mixes concepts and does not actually speak what is formal documentation, nor does it show. Having many lines has nothing to do with ordinary comment or documentation, although documentation will always have many lines. This is an example of formal documentation:

 * Summary. (use period)
 * Description. (use period)
 * @since      x.x.x
 * @deprecated x.x.x Use new_function_name() instead.
 * @access     private
 * @class
 * @augments parent
 * @mixes    mixin
 * @alias    realName
 * @memberof namespace
 * @see  Function/class relied on
 * @link URL
 * @global
 * @fires   eventName
 * @fires   className#eventName
 * @listens event:eventName
 * @listens className~event:eventName
 * @param {type}   var           Description.
 * @param {type}   [var]         Description of optional variable.
 * @param {type}   [var=default] Description of optional variable with default variable.
 * @param {Object} objectVar     Description.
 * @param {type}   objectVar.key Description of a key in the objectVar parameter.
 * @yield {type} Yielded value description.
 * @return {type} Return value description.

I put in the Github for future reference.

You can use a tool like Jsdoc to read this and create the documentation for you.

You might wonder if this is really that formal but they probably meant it’s not a private, temporary comment, just to inform the implementers of that.

Common comment

He’s in opposition to common comment which says something specific to the code and internal that indicates some problem or because an internal decision has been made. The common comment talks about the code, it explains decisions made, it is for the authors of the code and people who will read the internal code. Even common comments should not give details of what you are doing, the code should be readable so you do not need it. Common comments must be rare and explain why you did what you did and not what you did.

Some common comments occupy more than one line because they explain why. But this doesn’t make them formal documents, one thing has nothing to do with the other.

Learn more about common comments. And explaining why comments should not be used. Documentation comments are always welcome unlike common ones.

  • just to see if I understood a formal documentation would be like a comment that is clear to whoever is reading the code?

  • @This draw you described is a common comment (which is independent of being block or inline). Formal documentation follows a technical standard (formal is that, follows a form) to document/describe the properties of that code/library, and can usually be read by tools such as Jsdoc and generate separate documentation up to. Note the template given in the reply as an example, with @campos, and specific style.

  • So formal documentation is a comment that follows a form (like a way to install something on the PC step by step)?

  • I’m sorry, it’s just not very clear to me!

  • @draw not exactly, but get close to it.

  • @Draw a formal comment can perhaps be compared to the preface of a chapter, where it mentions the name of the chapter, what it consists of, very important things and/or relevant to your understanding and maybe some information to give context to who is coming now. It is a "summary" and usually brings a lot of information (usually a comment block) as the example inserted in this answer.

  • @draw E, although there is no cake recipe or pattern that must be followed with respect to the layout of the formal comment, within the same project all formal documentation blocks tend to follow the same pattern, layout and formatting. But this is due solely and exclusively to the zeal and organization of the programmer responsible for writing them.

  • 2nmindz, Thanks for the reply, I think I understand a little.

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