Select Electronic Point Record (SQL)


Viewed 283 times


How can I gather only the first and last appointment, where a staff member can have X Appointments and even appointments the next day?

As the example below

|000001|20180901| 07.20 | 17.20 |
|000001|20180902| 07.20 | 17.20 |
|000001|20180903| 07.20 | 17.20 |
|000001|20180904| 07.20 | 01.00 |
|000001|20180905| 07.20 | 16.00 |
|000001|20180906| 05.00 | 17.00 |

Note: the information I want to get is this, will the ?


Data in Text

|000001|20180901|07.20| 1E |20180901|
|000001|20180901|17.20| 1S |20180901|
|000001|20180902|07.20| 1E |20180902|
|000001|20180902|12.00| 1S |20180902|
|000001|20180902|13.00|    |20180902|
|000001|20180902|17.20|    |20180902|
|000001|20180903|07.20| 1E |20180903|
|000001|20180903|12.00| 1S |20180903|
|000001|20180903|13.00| 2E |20180903|
|000001|20180903|17.20|    |20180903|
|000001|20180904|07.20|    |20180904|
|000001|20180905|01.00| 1S |20180904|
|000001|20180905|07.20| 1E |20180905|
|000001|20180905|16.00|    |20180905|
|000001|20180906|05.00|    |20180906|
|000001|20180906|12.00| 1S |20180906|
|000001|20180906|13.00|    |20180906|
|000001|20180906|17.00| 2S |20180906|

Note: Remembering that in some occasions the TM is not filled with the information of 1º and/ or 2º (Output or Input)

Data in SQL Format

 pFUNC varchar(6),
 pNOME varchar(100)

insert into FUNC (pFUNC, pNOME) values

 pFUNC varchar(6),
 pDATA varchar(8),
 pHORA float,
 pTM   varchar(2),
 pDTAPO varchar(8)

insert into PONTO (pFUNC, pDATA, pHORA, pTM, pDTAPO) values
('000001','20180901', 7.20,'1E','20180901'),
('000001','20180902', 7.20,'1E','20180902'),
('000001','20180902',13.00,'  ','20180902'),
('000001','20180902',17.20,'  ','20180902'),
('000001','20180903', 7.20,'1E','20180903'),
('000001','20180903',17.20,'  ','20180903'),
('000001','20180904', 7.20,'  ','20180904'),
('000001','20180905', 1.00,'1S','20180904'),
('000001','20180905', 7.20,'1E','20180905'),
('000001','20180905',16.00,'  ','20180905'),
('000001','20180906', 5.00,'  ','20180906'),
('000001','20180906',13.00,'  ','20180906'),

Data in Sqlfiddle! 18/f9f25/2

Any doubt just ask...

  • What is the difference between the pDATA and pDTAPO columns? Could explain what happened on days 4 and 5?

  • pData is the date on which the marking was made, pDTAPO is the date on which the marking should be considered...

1 answer


From the desired result it seems to me that the date column to be used is pDTAPO. Here is a suggestion to evaluate:

-- código #1
       min(case when right(pTM,1) = 'E' then pHORA end) as ENTRADA,
       max(case when right(pTM,1) = 'S' then pHORA end) as SAIDA
  from PONTO
  group by pFUNC, pDTAPO;

If pDATA and pDTAPO columns will always have 8 characters, I suggest you declare them as char(8).

If it is necessary to ignore the pTM column, we have:

-- código #2
       min(pHORA) as ENTRADA,
       max(pHORA) as SAIDA
  from PONTO
  group by pFUNC, pDTAPO;

However, the reliability of the result is reduced for cases where break occurs (for example, input without exit or vice versa), because the result may be wrong (or not) for that day.

Considering the additional information that one shift can start in one day and end in another, here is a suggestion:

-- código #3
with pontoDataHora as (
       datetimefromparts(left(pDATA, 4), 
                         substring(pDATA, 5, 2),
                         substring(pDATA, 7, 2),
                         round(pHORA, 0, 1),
                         cast((pHORA * 100) as int) % 100,
                         0, 0) as pDATAHORA
  from PONTO
       min(pDATAHORA) as ENTRADA,
       max(pDATAHORA) as SAIDA
  from pontoDataHora
  group by pFUNC, pDTAPO;

As in code #2, the reliability of the result is reduced for cases where break occurs (for example, dead-end entry or vice versa), because the result may be wrong (or not) for that day. The error is not in the code but in the data.

  • I noticed an important detail, I found some marks where pTM is blank, then this query would even work if it was not blank.

  • Roberto, (1) If the pTM column is blank, how do I know if the dial is input or output? (2) What does "blank" mean: empty, "" or without information (NULL)? (3) When there is no information whether the time is of entry or exit, what should be done (what is the rule)?

  • Good morning Joseph, (1) it is precisely this my difficulty (2) blank is empty " " [2 blank spaces] (3) the system usually identifies what is input and output, but the report I am making of absenteeism is flawed because of this situation. Note: There is a table where you have the schedules of each turn, this would help ?

  • Roberto, I added a second option. As for the turn table, it can be useful yes.

  • Jose, I’ve also tried this way like "code #2" but it gets lost when the record is held after midnight, the min turns max and max becomes the minimum...

  • Roberto, if the shift can turn into day then another approach is necessary; see code #3. I suggest you add this information in the description of the problem.

  • but that information already has, note the day 04, the person enters from 07:20 and leaves from 01:00 in the morning

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